Gustaf Sobin, Collected Poems

Cover photograph copyright © 2010 by Esther Sobin
ISBN 13: 978-1-58498-072-8, paper, $27.95
“Gustaf Sobin is sui generis, one of the deep figures of recent times. He is one of our dark and scintillating stars, his poetry a gift to our art now when there is a dearth of beauty and of myriadness of intelligence.” --Michael McClure
Sobin “is a master of hoverings, hesitances, etched definitions of movement, soundings, fine measurings of air. He leads the mind into a poetry of great distinction, awakening the spirit to a world of errant clarities renewed.” --Robert Duncan
“A consummate poet.” —Robert Creeley
Sobin’s work “[restores] to poetry its lineage of sacred song and primal utterance.” --Voice Literary Supplement
“Sobin is a Romantic poet of the highest order.” —Boston Review
"The expatriate American poet is a national treasure." --Rain Taxi
“Sobin’s work has an inevitability in its momentum and its music that only great poems achieve. It is not an imitation of motion, a copy of nature but true poiesis in which meaning is synonymous with its creation.” --American Book Review
“I can’t think of anyone in our time who has trod the via negativa so determinedly and with such purpose. The texture of the ground, but also the grain of what lies beneath it. And so, the miracle, as Oppen would say, that there is a music in all this, in all this nothing, our brief glimpse.” --Michael Palmer
“[A]s we listen to the music of Sobin’s language, we experience a pleasure akin to those moments when words and things seem to point unmistakably beyond themselves to the very source of mystery.” --Robert Baker
ISBN 13: 978-1-58498-072-8, paper, $27.95
“Gustaf Sobin is sui generis, one of the deep figures of recent times. He is one of our dark and scintillating stars, his poetry a gift to our art now when there is a dearth of beauty and of myriadness of intelligence.” --Michael McClure
Sobin “is a master of hoverings, hesitances, etched definitions of movement, soundings, fine measurings of air. He leads the mind into a poetry of great distinction, awakening the spirit to a world of errant clarities renewed.” --Robert Duncan
“A consummate poet.” —Robert Creeley
Sobin’s work “[restores] to poetry its lineage of sacred song and primal utterance.” --Voice Literary Supplement
“Sobin is a Romantic poet of the highest order.” —Boston Review
"The expatriate American poet is a national treasure." --Rain Taxi
“Sobin’s work has an inevitability in its momentum and its music that only great poems achieve. It is not an imitation of motion, a copy of nature but true poiesis in which meaning is synonymous with its creation.” --American Book Review
“I can’t think of anyone in our time who has trod the via negativa so determinedly and with such purpose. The texture of the ground, but also the grain of what lies beneath it. And so, the miracle, as Oppen would say, that there is a music in all this, in all this nothing, our brief glimpse.” --Michael Palmer
“[A]s we listen to the music of Sobin’s language, we experience a pleasure akin to those moments when words and things seem to point unmistakably beyond themselves to the very source of mystery.” --Robert Baker