Stephen Paul Miller, Being with a Bullet

ISBN: 978-1-58498-054-4, paper, $14.95
“Somebody once said poetry without rhyme is like playing tennis with the net down. But Stephen Miller’s poetry plays a different game in which the relevant phrase is ‘nothing but net,’ a series of subtle daggers, long bombs, and slam dunks: sly, funny, artful, and unforgettable. Highly recommended for sports fans and deracinated intellectuals who like being reeled into the net of critically smart poetry.” --W. J. T. Mitchell
“Stephen Paul Miller’s generosity, vitality, and honesty are immediately apparent to the reader of this collection (he even shares his actual email in the very first poem). Being with a Bullet is a self-portrait in an unmistakably contemporary setting: the poet paints his personal, political, and historical impressions with the most meticulous brushstrokes, leaving out nothing, and remaining totally hip.” --Anne Tardos
“Stephen Paul Miller, bearing the bullet, is dj, historian, pundit, literary pugilist, poet-critic-poet, dad, decipherer, dramatist, Meher Baba-lover, gossiper, academic, traveler, writer of both screeds and an epithalamium. After reading his long poem about the 1986 NLCS series between New York and Houston, one can almost forgive him for loving the Mets. Almost. They are [bullet] proof texts to our time.” --Susan M. Schultz
"Stephen Paul Miller’s masterful Being with a Bullet is a literary triumph. His range includes pithy narratives, poems-as-plays, and stunningly discursive poem-lectures delivered at Jagiellonian University (in Krakow, Poland), Tel Aviv University, and Seton Hall. His poems are political, heady, performance-based romps in which even Ralph Kramden can become a critic. Miller is a Distinguished Professor of Gabby Analysis with a PhD in Intoxication and Hilarity." --Denise Duhamel
“Somebody once said poetry without rhyme is like playing tennis with the net down. But Stephen Miller’s poetry plays a different game in which the relevant phrase is ‘nothing but net,’ a series of subtle daggers, long bombs, and slam dunks: sly, funny, artful, and unforgettable. Highly recommended for sports fans and deracinated intellectuals who like being reeled into the net of critically smart poetry.” --W. J. T. Mitchell
“Stephen Paul Miller’s generosity, vitality, and honesty are immediately apparent to the reader of this collection (he even shares his actual email in the very first poem). Being with a Bullet is a self-portrait in an unmistakably contemporary setting: the poet paints his personal, political, and historical impressions with the most meticulous brushstrokes, leaving out nothing, and remaining totally hip.” --Anne Tardos
“Stephen Paul Miller, bearing the bullet, is dj, historian, pundit, literary pugilist, poet-critic-poet, dad, decipherer, dramatist, Meher Baba-lover, gossiper, academic, traveler, writer of both screeds and an epithalamium. After reading his long poem about the 1986 NLCS series between New York and Houston, one can almost forgive him for loving the Mets. Almost. They are [bullet] proof texts to our time.” --Susan M. Schultz
"Stephen Paul Miller’s masterful Being with a Bullet is a literary triumph. His range includes pithy narratives, poems-as-plays, and stunningly discursive poem-lectures delivered at Jagiellonian University (in Krakow, Poland), Tel Aviv University, and Seton Hall. His poems are political, heady, performance-based romps in which even Ralph Kramden can become a critic. Miller is a Distinguished Professor of Gabby Analysis with a PhD in Intoxication and Hilarity." --Denise Duhamel