William Bronk in the Twenty-First Century:
New Assessments
edited by Edward Foster and Burt Kimmelman
ISBN: 978-1-58498-099-5, $25.95
"A work that demands to be read." --Saturday Review
"A brilliant poetry." --George Oppen
"One of our finest . . . poets." --The New York Times Book Review
"A poet of great distinction." --Small Press Review
"He is brilliant." --Southwest Review
"Bronk is an acquired taste. I recommend you acquire it." --Library Journal
Jane Augustine: The Image in Bronk, Early and Late -- J. M. Bober: William Bronk, Post-Modernity and the Post-Structuralists -- Jon Curley: Gnostics & Nots: William Bronk’s Poetic Questionings -- Stephan Delbos: Cusp Poet: A Case for William Bronk -- Deborah Diemont: A Visit to the Ruins: William Bronk, Pablo Neruda, and Octavio Paz --Joseph Donahue: The Ones We Meet Asleep: William Bronk and the Limits of Dreaming — Norman Finkelstein: Bronk, Melville, and the Mild Day -- Edward Foster: William Bronk and His New England Cast of Mind -- Eric Hoffman: ‘The Real World’: William Bronk as Nature Poet -- W. Scott Howard: Apophatic Haecceity: William Bronk & the Analytic Lyric -- Elisabeth Joyce: “another house”: William Bronk’s Unsuitable Structures -- Mark Katzman: Desire and Denial: The William Bronk — Mark Katzman Correspondence -- Sherry Kearns: The Arts and William Bronk: Response and the Artist; Bronk’s Poems on Art -- Burt Kimmelman: The Problem of Pleasure in Reading William Bronk -- Andrew Klobucar: Being Uncreative: From Bronk to Conceptualism in the Arts and Writing -- Daniel Leary: The Mystery of Faith in Two Poems by William Bronk — Robert Murphy: A Conversation in, on, and of Letters, Poems and Life: William Bronk and Robert Murphy in Correspondence -- Paul Pines: My Brother in Elysium -- Gerald Schwartz: from The Sunbeam on the Balcony to The Ignorant Lust for Knowledge: Bronk, Proust, Desire, Beauty and the Reality Veiled -- Carole Stone: Gender in the Poetry of William Bronk and Emily Dickinson -- Henry Weinfield: Late Bronk — Daniel Wolff: Why Nobody Reads William Bronk
New Assessments
edited by Edward Foster and Burt Kimmelman
ISBN: 978-1-58498-099-5, $25.95
"A work that demands to be read." --Saturday Review
"A brilliant poetry." --George Oppen
"One of our finest . . . poets." --The New York Times Book Review
"A poet of great distinction." --Small Press Review
"He is brilliant." --Southwest Review
"Bronk is an acquired taste. I recommend you acquire it." --Library Journal
Jane Augustine: The Image in Bronk, Early and Late -- J. M. Bober: William Bronk, Post-Modernity and the Post-Structuralists -- Jon Curley: Gnostics & Nots: William Bronk’s Poetic Questionings -- Stephan Delbos: Cusp Poet: A Case for William Bronk -- Deborah Diemont: A Visit to the Ruins: William Bronk, Pablo Neruda, and Octavio Paz --Joseph Donahue: The Ones We Meet Asleep: William Bronk and the Limits of Dreaming — Norman Finkelstein: Bronk, Melville, and the Mild Day -- Edward Foster: William Bronk and His New England Cast of Mind -- Eric Hoffman: ‘The Real World’: William Bronk as Nature Poet -- W. Scott Howard: Apophatic Haecceity: William Bronk & the Analytic Lyric -- Elisabeth Joyce: “another house”: William Bronk’s Unsuitable Structures -- Mark Katzman: Desire and Denial: The William Bronk — Mark Katzman Correspondence -- Sherry Kearns: The Arts and William Bronk: Response and the Artist; Bronk’s Poems on Art -- Burt Kimmelman: The Problem of Pleasure in Reading William Bronk -- Andrew Klobucar: Being Uncreative: From Bronk to Conceptualism in the Arts and Writing -- Daniel Leary: The Mystery of Faith in Two Poems by William Bronk — Robert Murphy: A Conversation in, on, and of Letters, Poems and Life: William Bronk and Robert Murphy in Correspondence -- Paul Pines: My Brother in Elysium -- Gerald Schwartz: from The Sunbeam on the Balcony to The Ignorant Lust for Knowledge: Bronk, Proust, Desire, Beauty and the Reality Veiled -- Carole Stone: Gender in the Poetry of William Bronk and Emily Dickinson -- Henry Weinfield: Late Bronk — Daniel Wolff: Why Nobody Reads William Bronk