Simon Pettet, As a Bee
“His poetry is always insightful, ardent, playful, right on the spot, and ahead of the current” --Joanne Kyger
“A former English waif, but for decades a pillar of the St. Mark’s Poetry Project, the core of all that is New York about the New York School, Simon Pettet offers another collection of tough, fragile musings. Like the lizard in ‘Some Musings in the Solarium,’ the reader will find ‘health and warmth in the depth/ of winter/ and this is not what lizard expects.’ Elsewhere Pettet advises, ‘Have faith / The show / is about to spiral.’ And it does.” --John Ashbery
“Simon Pettet’s exquisite, irreducible poems transmit lyrical shape and sense-oriented wonder with a numinous focus and care I find nowhere else in the art. They are among my necessities.” —Anselm Berrigan
ISBN 13: 978-1-58498-113-8, paper, $12.95
“His poetry is always insightful, ardent, playful, right on the spot, and ahead of the current” --Joanne Kyger
“A former English waif, but for decades a pillar of the St. Mark’s Poetry Project, the core of all that is New York about the New York School, Simon Pettet offers another collection of tough, fragile musings. Like the lizard in ‘Some Musings in the Solarium,’ the reader will find ‘health and warmth in the depth/ of winter/ and this is not what lizard expects.’ Elsewhere Pettet advises, ‘Have faith / The show / is about to spiral.’ And it does.” --John Ashbery
“Simon Pettet’s exquisite, irreducible poems transmit lyrical shape and sense-oriented wonder with a numinous focus and care I find nowhere else in the art. They are among my necessities.” —Anselm Berrigan
ISBN 13: 978-1-58498-113-8, paper, $12.95