Simon Pettet, Hearth

ISBN: 978-1-58498-061-2, paper, $17.95
"Simon Pettet has been such a bright and consistent light amidst the usual gathering glooms. He lives as thought life were its own pleasure, which it is and must obviously be. He sounds those same simplicities of profound music Blake also knew. He moves with a deft and practiced quiet. 'It is as though he were telling us / that this small space / contains the pattern for / all eternity.' He speaks the truth." --Robert Creeley
Like Beethoven's Bagatelles, Simon Pettet's short poems have a great deal to say, and their seemingly modest dimensions help rather than hinder his saying it. An unorthodox lucidity reminiscent of (James) Schuyler, a certain English dappleness and an oriental concision blend in a poetry whose sweet, complex fragrance is Pettet's secret." --John Ashbery
"The complete works so farn of contemporary American and British poetry’s most meticulous craftsperson. We dig the purity, dogged love, and artistic devotion of this rare personage. A highly recommended volume.” --Alice Notley
“In these mostly unabashedly lyrical poems Simon Pettet flaunts his proud independence of current poetic fashions, like a
dragonfly shimmering and hovering.” --Gerrit Lansing
“‘Heart’ and ‘Earth,’ the obvious scenery as Simon’s I-liner trips us through the decades, sometimes blind-embossing a snapshot, sometimes looking at himself observing it, sometimes spattering it with apposite allusion. Take the ride and enjoy the
scene.” --Tom Raworth
“The poems of Simon Pettet are placed on continual high alert in a rush of subtle coloring. The shadings match those of affectionate curiosity and cut-through street wisdom. Pettet sees through the moment to the words that restore the moment's
contours.”--Bill Berkson
“I highly recommend Simon Pettet's new collected, Hearth. His poetry is always insightful, ardent, playful, right on the spot, and
ahead of the current.” —Joanne Kyger
See also:
"Simon Pettet has been such a bright and consistent light amidst the usual gathering glooms. He lives as thought life were its own pleasure, which it is and must obviously be. He sounds those same simplicities of profound music Blake also knew. He moves with a deft and practiced quiet. 'It is as though he were telling us / that this small space / contains the pattern for / all eternity.' He speaks the truth." --Robert Creeley
Like Beethoven's Bagatelles, Simon Pettet's short poems have a great deal to say, and their seemingly modest dimensions help rather than hinder his saying it. An unorthodox lucidity reminiscent of (James) Schuyler, a certain English dappleness and an oriental concision blend in a poetry whose sweet, complex fragrance is Pettet's secret." --John Ashbery
"The complete works so farn of contemporary American and British poetry’s most meticulous craftsperson. We dig the purity, dogged love, and artistic devotion of this rare personage. A highly recommended volume.” --Alice Notley
“In these mostly unabashedly lyrical poems Simon Pettet flaunts his proud independence of current poetic fashions, like a
dragonfly shimmering and hovering.” --Gerrit Lansing
“‘Heart’ and ‘Earth,’ the obvious scenery as Simon’s I-liner trips us through the decades, sometimes blind-embossing a snapshot, sometimes looking at himself observing it, sometimes spattering it with apposite allusion. Take the ride and enjoy the
scene.” --Tom Raworth
“The poems of Simon Pettet are placed on continual high alert in a rush of subtle coloring. The shadings match those of affectionate curiosity and cut-through street wisdom. Pettet sees through the moment to the words that restore the moment's
contours.”--Bill Berkson
“I highly recommend Simon Pettet's new collected, Hearth. His poetry is always insightful, ardent, playful, right on the spot, and
ahead of the current.” —Joanne Kyger
See also: