New Poetry from Spain: An Anthology, ed. & trans. Marta López-Luaces, Johnny Lorenz,& Edwin M. Lamboy

ISBN: 978-1-58498-087-2, paper, $18.95
“The poetic texts chosen and translated here represent a profound transition — psychological and political — undergone by the new Spanish citizen. This anthology focuses on the poetry written in Spain after 1975. All the poets included were raised under Franco’s dictatorship, which lasted forty years. Those born in the sixties or later, such as Ernesto López García and Luis Muñoz,lived under the dictatorial regime for less than a decade; consequently, they experienced the dictatorship as a vague
memory rather than as a foundation, unlike the older poets. In any case, the social reality after Franco’s death in 1975 was very different from that in which all of these poets had been raised.A new conception of the self had to emerge after the transition to democracy, and this was expressedin the work of many poets as a liberating, though painful,transformation, a transformation that affected the very concept of language. Naturally, the radical reinvention of language produceda reinvention
of the self.” —from the introduction by MartaLópez-Luaces
Poetry by Juana Castro, Antonio Colinas, Jenaro Talens, Luis Alberto de Cuenca, Olvido García Valdés, Diego Martíne Torrón, Francisco Ruiz Noguera, Jaime Siles, César Antonio Molina, Julia Otxoa, Miguel Casado, María Antonia Ortega, Juan Carlos Suñén, Juan Carlos Mestre, EmilioPorta, Tomás Sánchez Santiago, Rodolfo Häsler,Blanca Andreu, Amalia Iglesias Serna, Jorge Riechmann, Marta López Luaces, Luis Muñoz, Jordi Doce, Vicente Luis Mora, and Ernesto García López
“The poetic texts chosen and translated here represent a profound transition — psychological and political — undergone by the new Spanish citizen. This anthology focuses on the poetry written in Spain after 1975. All the poets included were raised under Franco’s dictatorship, which lasted forty years. Those born in the sixties or later, such as Ernesto López García and Luis Muñoz,lived under the dictatorial regime for less than a decade; consequently, they experienced the dictatorship as a vague
memory rather than as a foundation, unlike the older poets. In any case, the social reality after Franco’s death in 1975 was very different from that in which all of these poets had been raised.A new conception of the self had to emerge after the transition to democracy, and this was expressedin the work of many poets as a liberating, though painful,transformation, a transformation that affected the very concept of language. Naturally, the radical reinvention of language produceda reinvention
of the self.” —from the introduction by MartaLópez-Luaces
Poetry by Juana Castro, Antonio Colinas, Jenaro Talens, Luis Alberto de Cuenca, Olvido García Valdés, Diego Martíne Torrón, Francisco Ruiz Noguera, Jaime Siles, César Antonio Molina, Julia Otxoa, Miguel Casado, María Antonia Ortega, Juan Carlos Suñén, Juan Carlos Mestre, EmilioPorta, Tomás Sánchez Santiago, Rodolfo Häsler,Blanca Andreu, Amalia Iglesias Serna, Jorge Riechmann, Marta López Luaces, Luis Muñoz, Jordi Doce, Vicente Luis Mora, and Ernesto García López