Nedim Gürsel, The Conqueror

translated by Yavuz Demir and John Ottenhoff
ISBN: 978-1-58498-071-1, paper, $18.95
Nedim Gürsel is the author of over thirty books, including novels, essays, short stories, literary criticism, and travel writing. He received Turkey’s highest literature prize, the Prize of the Turkish LanguageAcademy, in 1976 for his volume of stories
A Summer Without End. In 1986, he received the Ipekci Prize promoting Turkish-Greek cultural understanding for The First Woman. In the same year he received the Prix de la Liberté of the French PEN club. He also received the Radio France Internationale Prize for the best novel of 1990, and in 2003 he won the France-Turkey Prize for his life-time achievements. In 2004 he received the Fernand Rouillon Literary Prize from the Franco-Turkish Committee at the Turkish Tourism Office in Paris. In the same year he was named a Chevalier des Arts et Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture. He received his doctorate in comparative literature from the Sorbonne in 1979. The Conqueror (Boğazkesen: Fatih’in Romanı) was first published in 1996.
ISBN: 978-1-58498-071-1, paper, $18.95
Nedim Gürsel is the author of over thirty books, including novels, essays, short stories, literary criticism, and travel writing. He received Turkey’s highest literature prize, the Prize of the Turkish LanguageAcademy, in 1976 for his volume of stories
A Summer Without End. In 1986, he received the Ipekci Prize promoting Turkish-Greek cultural understanding for The First Woman. In the same year he received the Prix de la Liberté of the French PEN club. He also received the Radio France Internationale Prize for the best novel of 1990, and in 2003 he won the France-Turkey Prize for his life-time achievements. In 2004 he received the Fernand Rouillon Literary Prize from the Franco-Turkish Committee at the Turkish Tourism Office in Paris. In the same year he was named a Chevalier des Arts et Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture. He received his doctorate in comparative literature from the Sorbonne in 1979. The Conqueror (Boğazkesen: Fatih’in Romanı) was first published in 1996.