Serge Gavronsky, ANDORTHE: Poems within a Poem

ISBN: 978-1-58498-055-1, paper, $16.95
“Serge Gavronsky sets out to test Zukofsky’s dictum that ‘a case can be made for the poet giving some of his life to the use of the words the and a: both of which are weighted with as much epos and historical destiny as a man can perhaps resolve’ — although in this case Gavronsky torques his dense, intense post-Objectivist braid around two conjunctions and the definite article. ANDORTHE writes poems within a poem and against and through “A” and the Cantos, the Holocaust and the Upper West Side, academese and Brooklyn schtick, post-structuralism and rides on the 1/9. Epos and historical destiny — und so weiter — indeed!” —Michael Golston
Serge Gavronsky, born in Paris, will probably die in Manhattan. He has published eleven books of poetry in France; over
twenty artist's books in France; one book of poetry in English: four novels translated into Italian; five books of translation of contemporary French poets. He has appeared in over thirty literary reviews in France and in the US.
“Serge Gavronsky sets out to test Zukofsky’s dictum that ‘a case can be made for the poet giving some of his life to the use of the words the and a: both of which are weighted with as much epos and historical destiny as a man can perhaps resolve’ — although in this case Gavronsky torques his dense, intense post-Objectivist braid around two conjunctions and the definite article. ANDORTHE writes poems within a poem and against and through “A” and the Cantos, the Holocaust and the Upper West Side, academese and Brooklyn schtick, post-structuralism and rides on the 1/9. Epos and historical destiny — und so weiter — indeed!” —Michael Golston
Serge Gavronsky, born in Paris, will probably die in Manhattan. He has published eleven books of poetry in France; over
twenty artist's books in France; one book of poetry in English: four novels translated into Italian; five books of translation of contemporary French poets. He has appeared in over thirty literary reviews in France and in the US.